Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Do It On The Daily (and by "it" I mean blog): No Words

I Do It On The Daily (and by "it" I mean blog): No Words: "So it turns out there is a show about women competing against each other to win plastic surgery before their wedding, it's called Bridalplas..."

Can you even believe this? As if our world isn't messed up enough, we really need this kind of bullshit clogging our minds? People are so....lost.

Also looking forward to this one, too: Black Swan

Natalie Portman had to lose 20 pounds for the role and she trained to be a ballerina for over a year. Incredible.


This movie is infuckingcredible. Amazing cinematography, amazing editing, amazing acting, amazing story. SEE THIS. I'm URGING YOU. It's INCREDIBLE. If you liked Trainspotting and you liked Slumdog Millionaire, you will LOVE this movie. 127 Hours Directed by Danny Boyle, starring James Franco.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium today FO FREE. :P

Bio 6 FTW
(Ocean Biology)

I left work yesterday with the worst feeling in my gut...

For those of you who don’t know, I work in the call center at my school. We call alumni and ask them for money for the Santa Clara Fund which goes to things like scholarships and support for immersion trips, etc along with other Funds at our school.
Today I had a conversation with a man who had a very impressive resume which included 13 years in law and 18 years with the FBI, along with many other jobs. After I asked for a donation of $500 (which was not unreasonable, since he had been a major supporter in the following years), he said, “Lauren, I have to tell you, I’ve been in and out of the oncologist recently for my liver cancer, but I know that the students at Santa Clara really benefit from the funds you guys have going on there. I can’t give $500, but how does $250 sound?” My heart sank. After everything, to make it even worse, I asked him if he would like the donation in his and his spouses name. He replied with, “my spouse is deceased.”
I just wanted to cry.
I really like my job a lot, but it’s talking to people like him who really make it hard. Keeping him in my prayers.